"And when you rise to love on this level, you begin to love men, not because they are likeable, but because God loves them. You look at every man, and you love him because you know God loves him." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Originating from the Greek language, Agape Love (Agápi agápi) is to me a capsule, a container, within which I get to explore and even describe its meaning, God’s Love for us, deepening my understanding of my own capacities for unconditional goodwill towards (hu)man. When it becomes challenging to find the flame of ‘Love for all’ within my heart, I turn to Law, and I remember that I am an embodiment of the Love I was seeking; a Love that asks absolutely nothing from me. The Agápi agápi works through me, it has my permission to use me, and how grateful I am that It does, indeed, accept my surrender.
When I rise, when I (as beloved Rev. MBB suggests) “come on up, to Agape”, I am able and willing to Love the species, not because of my skills around the act of Loving, but rather, rooted in and based upon what I recognize as God’s Love for us. To Love is a verb, it is an activity, a movement, an action word; Love alchemizes affection into adoration, it transforms appreciation into exultation, and has even been known to morph realization into full-on jubilation. Agape Love makes a Christ out of a (hu)man. We’ve all got it in us, no matter the role we’ve volunteered to play on earth.
Love is greater than my opinions, it is the transparency of all veils, the dropping of illusions, the absence of words, even. Unconditional Love is a promise, a hint, of what is within me should I be willing to look. Because I have Agape in my soul, I am able to respond to the call within me to be more loving. How glorious it is to surrender, again and again, until agape is all that I know of myself.
I am steeped in Agape! Unconditional Love is my address, my identity, my only reality.
I rise, and my heart follows, up to a Love that knows no bounds. #agapeinternationalspiritualcenter #alsp #spiritualpractitioner #spiritualtherapist #selfhealer #soulspeaker #agape