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Writer's picturejennortoncreative

What's this "Soul Speaking" all about?

Updated: Aug 26, 2022

As a Soul Speaker, my vocation is to open minds, lovingly disrupting old thought patterns and habitual behaviors, liberating and empowering the Creative Genius within us all.

This collaborative process includes the exploration of memorized, and inevitably limiting, beliefs and behaviors, and then suggesting new thought patterns and energizing concepts, (such as awareness and response-ability self-mastery practices, and new life-affirming belief systems), which serve, rather than hinder, our conscious unfolding.


My commitment is to the cultivation and celebration of our true nature as whole, beloved, soulful, Beings. I hold space for those who care to honor divine uniqueness, explore innate intuition, develop a spiritual awakening, creating, communicating and interacting, in a high field of awareness.


I serve my community's needs to speak, live, love and express with integrity, intelligence, and inner wisdom; I encourage us all to trust and to wisely apply our innate intuition, to behave and interact in the present moment with clear intention and great compassion.


The individuals that willingly participate in this community embrace life with courage, love, joy, and in full acceptance of our brilliant creative essence. We are curious, kind, and communicative.

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